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Summit 2025

Ubuntu Summit Subjects:

1- Connecting with nature / earth

2- Resonate your frequency

3- Healing and manifestation

4- Atlantis what went wrong

5- Power of Chi - Universal Energy

6- Connect with collective knowledge

7- Cleaning Blocks and Fears

8- Medical professionals upgrade

9- Holistic Healing from the collective


Friday 21 march

History of earth and mankind

10.00 - Atlantis - what went wrong

12.00 - Michael Apollo line - Theo Buijsrogge

14.00 - Antarctica - who are the Greys

16.00 - Egypt Piramides - intergalactic

18.00 - Thai diner - reservations only

Saterday 22 march

Holistic Healing - Human Mankind & UE

10.00 - Pineal gland activation
11.00 - Medical professionals upgrade
12.00 - Power of Chi
14.00 - Diagnose training 

  •  Holistic and Energetic

16.00 - Cleaning blocks and fears

  •  Sound en frequentie theraphie

18.00 - Thai diner - reservations only

Sunday 23 march

Earth & Universal Energy

10.00 - Collective Knowledge

12.00 - Healing and Manifestation

14.00 - Piramides workshop

16.00 - Resonate earth frequenties

18.00 - Thai diner - reservations only

For reservations see this website after 25 of january. The program will than be completed.



We as humans all have the capacity to work with our chi-power. How to access this and how to be in balance for this great power within our selves. Learn about it at this semminar.


Our human body has energy points, wich can be activated. All have different purposes and sometimes they are blocked. To clear this blocks and to activate your energy points, come to this unique semminar and get your sacra's activated! It will help you in ways you could not know before.

Atlantis & Antartica

From the past there are lessons to be learned. Humanity knew so much but failed because they did not know their bounderies. Now we have to learn from our past to not make the same mistakes. And also know our true power and our connections with the universe. And how these connections work.

Learn everything about it in this upcoming semminar event.

Michael Apollo Line

Why are so many 'churches' build on this line crossing our globe? Did they know something that helped huminaty heal? Or was is just a coincidence? Our speaker from TU Delft traveled this line the lost 20 years and will tell all about this phenomenon.

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